I imagine I’ll come back to this essay more than once. I recently took a year long sabbatical after the birth of my second child. We moved to Portugal and have been really challenging a lot of the beliefs around money, purpose, and worthiness. I actually think I need to stop calling it a sabbatical because I have zero plans to go back.

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I love this, Cheyanne 🙏

I also took a year-long sabbatical and am working on figuring out how to never go back. Even if it means taking a significant pay cut; my sanity is worth it.

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I love it! Here’s to figuring out what’s next!

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I just saw this - have you visited the money museum in Lisbon? If not, it’s worth checking out!

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I’d love to check it out!

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I haven’t! But I’ll be in Lisbon in March. I’ll add it to my list. Thank you

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When operating from inner wisdom, the freedom to BE is exhilarating. The first screen encountered and added with zeal when leaving our inner wisdom is authority. All five of these are much different or nonexistent once you get the myth, authority, and how much it runs us.

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Absolutely, Michael!

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Intuition doesn’t lie. So true! This post majorly resonates with me. I spent over a year suppressing my intuition & plowing ahead with my soul crushing (high paying—for the first time in my life!) job. Fortunately, I was eventually fired & got back to my true self/calling. You’ve articulated the money/calling paradox so well here. Thank you!

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Thank you, Lacy! I had a similar predicament to you, and I was grateful to be out of it (even if it paid really well). There’s more to life than money.

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Feb 3Liked by Jen Hitze

Another week of amazing truth bombs! Thanks Jen!! I’m trying to untangle worth and (earning) money. So I got a lot out of this, thanks!

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Thank you, Mika! I appreciate you!

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4Liked by Jen Hitze

Got me thinking about Energetic Currency here Jen. A few unformed thoughts are emerging ..... if we think of energy as emotions in motion, what happens when we assign meaning/feelings to money (good versus bad), rather than just let it flow? The purpose of money is to flow, so how might we flip our relationship to it and think about money in this way, as neutral and moving through, like our feelings?

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I absolutely love this conclusion, Ellen. It’s worth a whole 5 Big Ideas in itself - including emotions, money, flowing energy… maybe even throw in the seasons and intuition (as always).

You’ve got me thinking!

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Love that collection of themes, especially intuition - can be hard to say no to opportunities that have an attractive ££ offer, when our get tells us that it's not right! Look forward to reading this :)

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Ellen, you’ve got it. “Where attention goes Energy flows”,

Nicola Tesla.

All is Energy, Frequency and Vibrations.

This can now be measured in our Brains activity.

Depok Chopra, considered a Master volunteered, got all wired up & behold his vibration was indeed High & measurable in Meditation.

Quantum Fields of 12 Dimensions are seen on very advanced Technology!

It’s a Vast Q Field of unlimitedness probability’s & Possibilities. We can all do this. Hard part is accessing the Higher Sub Consciousness, Soul self.

Pineal gland spot. 👍

Great thread by Jen. Jen is mastering her craft. 💜

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I have been waiting for a post like this.. thank you!

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Thank you, Bjorn! I hope it was worth the wait!

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I wholehearted agree with you on this Jen. Years ago I thought I had it made when I negotiated working three days a week at a new job, giving me two days to focus on writing. Then management changed and they forced me to choose full-time or nothing. No flexibility. So I had to work full-time. I remember a feeling of sinking. Not much of a drinker I drank nearly an entire bottle of red wine and cried for an entire day. When I started working full-time I had no more energy left for writing. Someone called the benefits of that full-time job "The Golden Shackle." So true. Once you're in it, it's hard to get out. Especially if the job you have is not high earning and you don't have a partner to help while you try to figure out what next.

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Wow Krista, I completely forgot about the Golden Shackles. I can’t imagine being in your position and not having a choice. I’m sure you did what’s best for you, all while sowing the seeds for the future harvest you’ll one day reap.

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Thanks Jen. I hope so. I've completed a novel I am now querying, but it comes at least ten years after I would have preferred. I am still pleased that I completed something, but yeah, folks have to pay mortgages, rent, feed children. Lots of hidden talent out there doing this now, and I wish for them to find what they need to create.

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A really fascinating topic, thank you Jen. I think you might find my spiritual take on money and well-being interesting: https://thebreakoutroom.substack.com/p/the-meaning-we-give-to-money

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I love this! Thank you, Joanna!

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Thank you Jen for your kind words. Just reat this article on Money and I realise that I am atually on the right path. Now I just need to continue the journey.

Many thanks, Phillip.

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I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Phillip!

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I do believe that anyone at any age can discover their Dharma! I like your words surrounding finding it wiithout breaking out of the system. I found my passion working within a bureaucracy; in fact, one of my training courses re-ignited my passion for illustration. Perhaps, though, If one cannot find their passion during their work career, no matter how soul crushing it was, there's hope when they retire too! Society can be a bit harsh on "retirement"; but many folks are retiring early. Maybe it's just another route to their Dharma.

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Monica - I sure hope so! Thank you for this thoughtful and beneficial response 🙏

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Feb 9Liked by Jen Hitze

Thanks for sharing your thoughts: "We each have a dharma – a divine calling or Duty – to fulfill. The only way to discern our purpose in life is by breaking free from the systems that entangle us."

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Thank you, Mo!

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Great stuff, as always Jen!

Psychological distress over money often points to the more intensely and unpleasantly challenging (aka potentially illuminating) aspects of being human:

Enough money will anesthetize our sense of incompleteness or lack; and as trauma and complex trauma reside in our lower three Chakras, money anxiety is the gateway into the 1st Chakra wound of the felt perception of the fundamental unsafety of the world due to early, undefended attacks from the Dark Tetrad expression in our caregivers.

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Wow, Alan. Thank you so much for this comment. I’m immensely intrigued by how money affects our chakras and how trauma affects this - so thank you!

Do you have any specific books or articles that you recommend?

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First subtle energy center at the bottom of the spine has to do with the sense of security in the world. Like roots of a tree. Since humanity has collectively assigned money as our symbol for exchange of power, and power is what determines our ability to acquire what we need to survive in this world, lots if not all of us have been lugging around an unconscious core wound of “not having enough.”

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Thank you, E.T.!

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Really enjoyed your article! So much thoughtful awesomeness.

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ET: yes I throughly agree with your Message. It’s a International Affliction from Birth taught illusional systems & ingrained in cement by 7 yrs old. Huge internal quest with multitudes of distraction’s to navigate alone unless one is fortunate enough to receive the Kindness, love, Acceptance, Nurturing and authenticity of influencers.

Obviously, few & far between for most to benefit, then we wonder why we have A massive Mental crisis on our Bloody hands.

Yin/yang/MIA. $

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Absolutely LOVE. Just was speculating that we are not our roles, and then come to read this and YES! so much yes. Thank you for such a beautifully timed, beautifully written piece.

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Thank you, Anna! 🤗

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Really wise, relevant points. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you, Raveen! 🤗

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Interesting perspective 💚

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Thank you, Sheila! 🤗

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Thank you for writing ✍️

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Feb 3Liked by Jen Hitze

Very apt message indeed. For all the working professionals. I do agree with your points stated. :)

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Thank you, Joyce! 🤗

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