I am firm believer in transference.

1. How do you explain auras people give off? Aura colors are just like the rainbow we see. The spectrum is a range of colors people give off and we can see that transferred into feelings, intuition, or even energy. Hence the term trust your feelings or intuition.

Note - probably goes the same with animals. They probably see this too. Hence why some cats or dogs know a bad person on sight or smell.

2. People who look inwards to their own happiness have long been labeled introverted or difficult by others. We are starting to realize those who are actually happy with themselves exist on a higher plane of self awareness. They just give off a different 'vibe' as they like to call it. There is a reason why in cultures of the past, the most enlightened were the ones who looked in rather than looked out.


One can have no smaller or greater mastery than the mastery of one's self - Leonardo DaVinci

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Love this, Joe. I’m actually really curious about auras also. I’ve only come across them inadvertently in my readings, but it’s a fascinating concept. The idiom “rose-colored lenses” can be linked to an aura of optimism

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Hey Joe. I've seen auras ever since I was a little girl...probably my whole life. I discovered that this wasn't "normal" when I was 9 years old and my dad went to an intuitive development class. Sometimes I see colors that I can't even put names to...they are different than any colors or hues in the rainbow. When I see auras, I see more than colors, I see texture, density, brightness, hue, tone, imagery, vibration, sound, and so much more.

love the DaVinci quote. I'd never seen that one before.

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What if it wasn’t the words at all, but the frequency/vibration that was emitted? People can say all kinds of words, but the vibration with which they deliver them makes a world of difference. If I don’t feel gratitude or love when I say thank you or I love you, the frequency or vibration is not the same as when I ardently and effusively express my gratitude or love. I am a person who loves words, and I firmly believe it’s the vibes, man! ☺️

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Totally agree with this, Kris! Emoto’s studies weren’t able to be reproduced, but I have a feeling that it might have to do with the manner in which one is saying the words. There needs to be truth in what we say.

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I whole heartedly agree with you! This is precisely the theory behind the use of mantra in meditation practices. The vibration of the chosen words creates a resonance in the body that alters the state of our nervous system and balances energy within the body. It’s not the meaning of the words that does the work but the frequency they emit. Perhaps the meaning of words originally came from the way the body felt upon hearing them? Wouldn’t that be a beautiful concept!

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I love this idea of how words get their meaning from felt experience

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Spot on, Kris! Words are meaningless. What matters is the thought that is behind them that determines the frequency/vibration.

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Wow, I was just speaking to a friend about Emoto’s water word experiment and it’s something that I’m going to touch on in one of my next pieces.

“after departing the rigid world of science and medicine for the creative realm of literature, I discovered a newfound openness to concepts beyond scientific validation.”

I’m precisely the same, but I come from a legal/democracy background (I was recently a constitutional law academic at Cambridge). I think we need to be more open and in tune to things beyond the facts of scientific/legal literature. Some things can’t be explained from facts alone. How interesting that you think the same ☺️

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We’re not the only ones, too 🤗

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Nailed it 💖

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Thank you, Jeffrey! So grateful for your support

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Thank you! 🙏

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May 19Liked by Jen Hitze

Jen, the words affecting water idea is incredible, but could use more experimentation. Try effecting water in Chinese; or German, or Swahili, or Latin., or Hebrew. Could it be the tone of voice, not the words. themselves? Try it by using nice words spoken angrily, and vice versa. Or loud and soft. Fred from CRISIS.

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Hey Fred! Emoto did indeed run experiments with words in different languages and they had the same effect. Like a few others here in the comments, I have a feeling the results also had a lot to do with the tone of voice and authenticity.

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Did he speculate on why this happens.? How can an element with no brain, react. to anything? Vibration? "Authenticity" requires a sophisticated, nuanced perception, that humans - and maybe dogs - have. But water? I know of experiments with Planarian worms, who have ganglia for brains, choosing one of two paths at a Y intersection. If I am remembering correctly, the investigators concluded that the worms "learned" which Y had the food, then got "bored" and "chose" the other way. This too, seems impossible, yet it happened.

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Fred, Emoto had some theories about why this happens, and they were rather far-out. For one, he theorized that water was not from this planet, and that it was some kind of extraterrestrial life force. Another theory he had was that water contained/“remembered” all of human history, including the origins of language. He says this is due to water’s “reflective qualities.”

Its theories like this that lead him to be a “quack” in the scientific community. While I can’t say whether he is right or not (no one can), he did have some rather creative hypotheses.

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The energy and power of love transcends all that our minds and egos want to isolate and control, and that is something for which we can only be eternally grateful.

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I'm mesmerized by your ideas. How do you manage to come up with such profound ideas every week!? It's amazing.

May we learn to touch love and gratitude in ourselves! ❤️

Thanks for sharing, Jen.

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Thank you so much, Antony! This is so kind of you to say.

We all have great ideas within us, we just have to practice tuning into them.

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When we're grateful, happiness flows to us because we become contented with what we have believing the best would come at the right time thereby, making our minds to be at ease

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Exactly 👏

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Hi Jen, very insightful post! I'm an evolutionary psychologist and, thus, I have studied a lot of biology. It is disheartening to realize that human nature is just the byproduct of eons of competitive forces shaping the behaviors that "work" best to produce the results nature wants (survival and reproduction). It seems that, as sentient beings, we are on our own to overcome our nature and seek a type of well-being (happiness) that we're not wired to feel.

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I agree with you, Fran. And I wish I had the answers. Heck, I wish someone—anyone—did and that they’d write them down for us.

But it appears that we are on our own in our individual searching for well being/happiness; which can be good and bad.

Thanks for reading this article and chiming in! What an extraordinary career and perspective you have. Sounds incredible.

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I just started reading When Breath Becomes Air. So funny you quote him here.

Words matter, but the intentions behind them matter too. Tone and vibration both go into how a word is perceived, and probably how it affects water. Such an interesting idea, though.

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Couldn’t agree more 🙏

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May 18Liked by Jen Hitze

Enjoyed the education!

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Thank you!

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Wisdom defined 💎

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May 25Liked by Jen Hitze

Happiness is a self-created state for the most part! Not always easy though to be in that state of mind!

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Ain’t that the truth

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Morning to you! Enjoy reading your posts and comments! You are a visionary! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Another meaning article! I tip my hat

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Supreme fulfilment and everlasting peace only comes from within!

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