I spent many nights staring jet lagged at a 2 a.m. ceiling in some shattered country or another pondering over what it meant to save the world or to save humanity or to save just one child. I never found a good answer. Maybe it’s to have enough to eat, health, good work, and love. Maybe I should also include children on the list because I can’t bear the thought that I’m the end of the line. Maybe saving the world is much simpler than we think it is, if we are humble enough, but I don’t know even now.
Maybe everything you’ve listed—saving humanity, saving one child, food, health, good work, love, offspring, humility—is true. Maybe none of it is true. Maybe it all depends. Maybe we are here for different reasons and to learn different lessons with the one life we’ve got.
I’m grateful for the ideas and experiences you’re willing to share. Thank you for being you, and thank you for being here ♥️🙏
Reading some of the posts on Substack this morning about what is unfolding in the U.S. left me feeling bruised and angry. Deflated. As if my energy had been sucked out of me. Reading this redirected me to a state of groundedness from which my energy pulses once more. Truth. A salve for my soul. Thankyou 🙏
omg- i cant chew what i just bit into. but i can relate immediately with you, your words, and your passion. I launched CSW along much of the same ideas as your big ideas. we each have 5 elements. i already know that you are amazing
my pitch -
Why Me?
I will explore that question in this space. I will write about the confluence of the elements of life that create culture. I express that confluence with this formula
Life / Food + Music + Art + Craft + History = Culture (L/5e=C)
let me come from a fundamental truth guided by ZaZen, Dao and to link you in, Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi. (Five Peace Rules)
Paul Watzlawick assessed, "it is not possible to Not Communicate" This is Reality.
To step on and differentiate Truth and Reality.
Reality is what PW said. Truth, however, is subjective, individual judgement - an interpretation. Plus it is only one out of Five ways to communicate. Truth is changeable, as Life is daily change.
Spirituals , Highly Vibrational Beings, however accept uncertainty is relevant. Turn to the very moment you are bound to. This involves 5 Senses Awareness. Complex in itself, so avoid trying to incase or define from a single point of access to communication.
Humans are primarily focused on Speech and Print Communication. This reflects only one aspect of communication ignoring the remaining ones. But one must understand that we all communicate any moment in time with all 5 of Senses. Integration of all 5 makes the Individual Truth that any single of the opposites perceives.
Spirituals therefore recommend to let loose. Trust your inner self in your own complex way of being and acting. This does not mean that you ignore opposites. It means you develop, evolve trust to be a better being in your daily efforts to serve the well-being of others. (opposites also)
This pushes the uniqueness of artists in painting, composing, writing or any other field of creativity. Abandon yourself from outside pressure and inside wish to pigeonhole and respond
or interpret.
The moment of pure and sober Quiet giving way to perception - yourself and opposites. Open space for change to the better in Trust. And remain in Uncertainty with a smile all over your face in gratitude for being.
This is profound. The unity between spirit and the objective world is something that remains a curious black hole for me, but you seem to have some true insight on it. Will take me some time to process and practice. Thank you for your wisdom and light, as always, Joe-Kwame.
I've just been playing for a rehearsal of Hans Gal's What a Life - composed when he was held as an enemy alien in the Isle of Man during WW2. (I think). One particular song, The Ballad of the German Refugee, is very poignant in music and language - and how relevant for our times now. An example of the power of music to transcend everyday experiences, but also to underline the horror of events and illuminate them. And perhaps make us think?
so so so many times I have discovered who I am through my writing. I start out writing about one thing and it evolves into a completely unknown concept.
I spent many nights staring jet lagged at a 2 a.m. ceiling in some shattered country or another pondering over what it meant to save the world or to save humanity or to save just one child. I never found a good answer. Maybe it’s to have enough to eat, health, good work, and love. Maybe I should also include children on the list because I can’t bear the thought that I’m the end of the line. Maybe saving the world is much simpler than we think it is, if we are humble enough, but I don’t know even now.
Maybe everything you’ve listed—saving humanity, saving one child, food, health, good work, love, offspring, humility—is true. Maybe none of it is true. Maybe it all depends. Maybe we are here for different reasons and to learn different lessons with the one life we’ve got.
I’m grateful for the ideas and experiences you’re willing to share. Thank you for being you, and thank you for being here ♥️🙏
Reading some of the posts on Substack this morning about what is unfolding in the U.S. left me feeling bruised and angry. Deflated. As if my energy had been sucked out of me. Reading this redirected me to a state of groundedness from which my energy pulses once more. Truth. A salve for my soul. Thankyou 🙏
This brings me such relief and joy—thank you, Jules!
omg- i cant chew what i just bit into. but i can relate immediately with you, your words, and your passion. I launched CSW along much of the same ideas as your big ideas. we each have 5 elements. i already know that you are amazing
my pitch -
Why Me?
I will explore that question in this space. I will write about the confluence of the elements of life that create culture. I express that confluence with this formula
Life / Food + Music + Art + Craft + History = Culture (L/5e=C)
I’ll check it out! Thanks, Ric 🙂
and Control is an Illusion.
let me come from a fundamental truth guided by ZaZen, Dao and to link you in, Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi. (Five Peace Rules)
Paul Watzlawick assessed, "it is not possible to Not Communicate" This is Reality.
To step on and differentiate Truth and Reality.
Reality is what PW said. Truth, however, is subjective, individual judgement - an interpretation. Plus it is only one out of Five ways to communicate. Truth is changeable, as Life is daily change.
Spirituals , Highly Vibrational Beings, however accept uncertainty is relevant. Turn to the very moment you are bound to. This involves 5 Senses Awareness. Complex in itself, so avoid trying to incase or define from a single point of access to communication.
Humans are primarily focused on Speech and Print Communication. This reflects only one aspect of communication ignoring the remaining ones. But one must understand that we all communicate any moment in time with all 5 of Senses. Integration of all 5 makes the Individual Truth that any single of the opposites perceives.
Spirituals therefore recommend to let loose. Trust your inner self in your own complex way of being and acting. This does not mean that you ignore opposites. It means you develop, evolve trust to be a better being in your daily efforts to serve the well-being of others. (opposites also)
This pushes the uniqueness of artists in painting, composing, writing or any other field of creativity. Abandon yourself from outside pressure and inside wish to pigeonhole and respond
or interpret.
The moment of pure and sober Quiet giving way to perception - yourself and opposites. Open space for change to the better in Trust. And remain in Uncertainty with a smile all over your face in gratitude for being.
Namasté, Joe-Kwame
This is profound. The unity between spirit and the objective world is something that remains a curious black hole for me, but you seem to have some true insight on it. Will take me some time to process and practice. Thank you for your wisdom and light, as always, Joe-Kwame.
I've just been playing for a rehearsal of Hans Gal's What a Life - composed when he was held as an enemy alien in the Isle of Man during WW2. (I think). One particular song, The Ballad of the German Refugee, is very poignant in music and language - and how relevant for our times now. An example of the power of music to transcend everyday experiences, but also to underline the horror of events and illuminate them. And perhaps make us think?
so so so many times I have discovered who I am through my writing. I start out writing about one thing and it evolves into a completely unknown concept.
Beautiful 💕