This couldn’t be more accurate or true. Something to ponder in every section.

What I most need to take in, having spent decades mastering my craft, is your ‘Note to self’ re being fearless about sharing. Some personal attacks when things first started taking off for me a few years ago sent me back into protective mode. But life is short. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be around (I’m 60: my mum died at 65). It is time to be fearless. No point spending decades mastering writing and then keeping it to yourself.

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Absolutely, Ros. Time to be fearless. Memento mori.

You’ve got this; I believe in you 🙏

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Thank you, Jen. This has been an important part of my growth in the last few months. If you get a chance to read my latest post, ‘Please See Me’ you’ll see I’ve digging this stuff out at the roots. To mix metaphors, I’d brushed a lot of trauma under the carpet.

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The unlived lived lives is an interesting one… I think it can go in the way of lighting the way but also one to let go if its not ours to carry. Which I think you’re saying with the whole unfulfilling a parent’s dream.

I found that I would be like how you’ve described about writing but about teaching. I’d be brushing my teeth, in the shower, cooking, driving, reading, walking down the street, anywhere and I’d be thinking about ways to teach or get to that ‘difficult kid’ or make a class more dynamic. But it led to burnout. I’m paid only for the hour I’m in the classroom, not the planning or the meetings or the parent chats that turn into an hour or the messages from work outside those teaching hours.

I feel you’ve given me food for thought today! A lot of food, and in a timely manner in my life 💚

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Thank you, Sheila 🤍 it can be incredibly tough to live out your dream without being adequately compensated for it. I hope you find a solution 🙏

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Thank you ☺️💚

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Same for me! My obsessions usually lead to burnout. I feel my purpose might be to figure out how to balance my obsessions so that this cycle doesn't keep playing out. Many of my ancestors were not able to do vet that balance right, and those that have are the ones I am an inspired by

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Balance! That’s the key word isn’t it. I wonder if I found balance I could avoid burnout and still continue with the passion? Albeit I think teaching is inherently designed to burn you out. Let me know if you crack it! I’d love to hear your tips 😆

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Love this post. I used to theme my college comp classes around talent and mastery, and the students were all surprised to learn about hard work and dedication of the so-called naturals. Have you read The Practice by Seth Godin? If not, I think you'd enjoy it.

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It’s wild how people think masters just ended up in their position via happenchance… of course not!

Also, I have not come across The Practice, but I’ll definitely check it out! Thank you, Karin!

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Thank you dear Jen, it felt like an honor to read this. Personally I feel that we all have to master our mind and tell it to shut up. We no longer are in need of a mind that only desperately tries to control our lives. All fuck ups come from the mind. Sorry for my unnecessary choice of words but that comes from a frustrated insight that the greater part of my life was controlled by the mind that was carefully built by my parents and environment. Accepting the unacceptable again and again losing my true heart. Creating an unbridgeable gap between my soul’s purpose and living a life in the mental construct.

So where do we start. Right, leave your mind and enter your heart. All you will ever seek is there waiting patiently to be found. incarnation after incarnation, it’s up to us right here and right now. 😔 with all my heart, thank you Jen. 🥰🌹

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Richard, I love this.

It’s obvious to me that you’ve come to some very important and difficult realizations, and your insight reaffirm many things I know to be true (yet, like you, my mind tricks me into some other rationalization). The heart and intuition know what we’re supposed to do and who we’re supposed to be. Thank you 🙏

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Dear Jen,

Due to my poor English vocabulary, it is sometimes difficult to express the emotion in my message. My reactions to an article of yours are never intended to make my own statement. It is just a perception of the world by me and often a confirmation of your beautiful article. 🫶🏼

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That’s too kind of you. 🩵

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Timely... I've been mulling writing a novel of my mother's unexplored potential, how she broke the mold she grew up with only to succumb to the social pressures of post WWII America to fit in as a housewife/mom on the other side of the country. I'm only now learning about her "before" life: about the first husband who was shot down and killed (whom she never talked about and destroyed his photos, quite possibly to soothe my jealous dad), about bucking her restrictive Mexican culture that would never have let her join the Navy and advance rapidly in rank, only to come out of the service into a world that "didn't need" her skills any more because the men returned from war. I only knew her as the wonderful, loving mom and grandmother who gave everything to her descendants - except the story of who she thought she might have been. She gave the inspiration for me to also break out of a restrictive culture, excel in a male-dominated profession, keep learning, and keep exploring ways to better this world. Thank you for reminding us our parents are people, too.

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Wow, Jude. That would be one incredible story to tell. I hope you get around to writing it 🙏

Thank you so much for your kind words and support 🤍

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Apr 20Liked by Jen Hitze

To tell you everything I love about this post and all of my thoughts on it would be a thousand word (or more) essay of its own. But, it's very rare that I see someone think about the things I think about, let alone tie it all together and write in a way that I aspire to. Your work is a stand out among those I subscribe to. Thank you ❤️ 🙏

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🥲♥️🥰 This made my heart sing. Thank you, HD.

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I absolutely love this piece! Pure gold! So much truth and important lessons here.

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Thank you so much, Sarah! 🙏

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You are very welcome! I shared this with my daughter as well. It inspired her! You have great insight/posts. <3

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💘II. Sovereign Self 💘

In the past two years, I learned this hard lesson very late in life. No one cares so just do your thing!😂

As a result, I finished writing a book I wanted to write all my life. The lesson of the Sovereign Self is one of the most liberating discoveries in my time on Earth.

Thank you for writing this succinct and brilliant article.👌🙏

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Thanks incredible, Lynda! Congratulations!

Thank you so much 🤗

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You’re welcome!

Thank you for condensing weighty lessons into clarified chunks!

Yay, you for Your Art of Brevity!


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Enjoyed reading and loved the start on Meaning full lives and Grandparents. I remember being fascinated by my Grandmothers when i was growing up . One was a socialist and very political and the other was very stylish and had attitude…well that confirms why I am like I am ! Thank you for that and your writing on mastery. 💝

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Thank you so much! 🤗

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Perfect read 💎 Thank you 🙏

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Thank you, Ibrahim 🙏

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Wonderful post! I had a recent deep confrontation with Karma recently, and she's not just a fundamental element of the universe, but a profound teacher. Thank you for reinforcing the need to have the right allies surrounding you. I couldn't have made it through without their love and support.

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Thank you, Jeremy! I love the idea of looking at Karma as a teacher. I need to remember that one 🙏

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So many valuable points. Karma-can we accept it fully-even when we feel wronged.? That is so important to embrace Karma is not coerced and it is like pragmatism-sometimes we must bear the pain and let Karma work its way out. I am told though that murder is never a hand that is dealt by karma. I think of the "fight or flight" types. I have always been a flight person until several years ago I discovered that that magnetic tug that caused flight had gone from me. It is a wonderful feeling to have that "release" and fight or flight was no longer an issue. In retrospect my grandparents sort of summarize my life. I wish I had known them. What a great piece. I had been pondering these very subjects. Synchronicity and karma for sure!

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Thank you so much, Elizabeth!

I too was a “flight” person for a long time, so I’d like to think I under where you’re coming from!

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When I poll my people it seems half of us have the big fear of death and the other half (you and me) have the big fear of not having lived fully.

I chuckled when I read about looking back at what kinds of things your family was interested in because I hadn't considered it in a positive light before. Usually, when I hear that quote it calls to mind the hockey parents berating their child in the car after the game because they think their kid should get to the NHL. After all, that's what they wanted for themselves. I love thinking about what has been passed down to me from my parents and grandparents that feed what I do now in the best possible way and I laughed because I see that has happened and I also see it in my kids to some degree. This makes me think, thank you Jen.

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You make ME think! Thank you, Donna. My parents pressured me to go to med school to be a doctor—a dream they never had for themselves! But they wanted to say that they had a daughter that was a doctor. So, I wonder if parents are pressuring their kids into certain life paths because it’s what they wanted or because they of their own egos 🤔

But I had never thought of this dynamic before you brought it up, so I’ll have to do some more research. Thank you so much for your support and beautiful ideas

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Fantastic, and I have shared a quote to my Facebook... besides I keep a document where I put "quotes" from people I read... and you have given me quite a few this morning. This is so along the lines of what I am trying to teach me students, and share with my friends, in the art world. I appreciate your insights and what you write about.

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Thank you so much, Marsha! 💝

I appreciate your support more than you know 🥲

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I 'm intrigued by the way the five ideas intertwine -- and great definition of karma.!

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Thank you, Martha! 💛

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Great article! I've been on this tract with my this mornings writing - nothing like synchronicities!

My Grandmother was on the stage a singer too and dancer - I've never 'planned' to retire? I'm a creative singer songwriter still mastering my craft as I have throughout my life!

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Love this, Sally! 🩶

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