GORGEOUS THOUGHTS! I know all of this in my HEAD....after living on "planet earth" for 77 years...but making the trip to my HEART AND MIND....well, sadly, I took too many detours...and now I am living with a guy whom I knew from the get go did NOT align with my "common goals" but his sensitivity and physical prescence had always been "captivating" to me. I knew he possessed a fatal flaw (for me and most people) that of an addictive nature (mainly to alcohol) which I find abominable. 18 years later...I've learned a lot about MYSELF and about human LOVE. I much prefer the agape love of our Creator--it calms my "ragged spirit" in the wee, small hours of the night.

KUDOS once again for a well--constructed, intriguing "read", Jen.

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Wow Sharon, this is a very beautiful and real story. We have to learn many lessons the hard way; I’m glad you finally made your way out of that toxic relationship and found peace in a much healthier, spiritual one 🙏

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No..I'm still living with the long-term friend who is addictive - I just choose to let the Lord Jesus Christ's words and agape love prevail and we also have vowed to stop talking "political drama". We are both passionate people and with the "sheltering in place" and being in each other's "space" much more than we would prefer (at least that I would prefer), it was even more toxic than it was "pre SCAMdemic".

God is good ALL the time--even when we are horrid to each other.

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So true 🙏

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Jan 13Liked by Jen Hitze

Yes, a good teammate! Though through 40 years of “teaming”and “mating” you get to see many versions of oneself. Now I can finally see who we are together, but more importantly I KNOW who I am alone!

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THIS is what’s most important! I’ll definitely need to use this for another Big Idea in the future. Thank you, Sue 🙏

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Thank you Jen! I love how these five flow together and create some big A HAs for me. Sometimes tripping over the truth is the only way home. Bless you. Thank you for creating these opportunities. 🙏❤️

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Thank you, Jamie 🤗

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Yet another thoughtful and inspiring article, Jen. A great relationship requires constant assessment, adjustment and nurturing. One could be ‘stuck in love' as you say and not know because of being in love and wanting to be with that person regardless of what they contribute or if they help you thrive in life. There is an ideal state where one aspires to be. Usually people just 'bend' and adjust, I think. Many things have to align to have a relationship that is fulfilling. At the same time, many things have to align to break away from one that is broken. It may not be just a matter of courage. You talked about self-awareness and trying to manifest one's destiny. I think they are super important to move towards a fulfilling situation.

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Thank you, Rob 🙏 I love your elaboration and agree with your points. I think this is a good opportunity for a couple more Big Ideas on adapting in partnerships and letting go of what’s broken

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Such a great post. It makes me think a lot. Thank you!🩷

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Absolutely! Thank you, Olivia!

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Jan 13Liked by Jen Hitze

Thanks. Very comprehensive sharings. Enjoy it. :)

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This was a great article Jen. I found myself reflecting on a client I just worked with 4 hours ago and the relationships he is navigating, my own relationship and what my wife and I are building together, and general self reflection and growth that we all go through. I appreciated the vulnerability of your own relationship out of college and your sister’s reality of a difficult end to a relationship.

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Thanks Cody! This was the first time I tried weaving personal stories into my ideas and I’m grateful you liked them and pointed them out. That’s very encouraging 🙏

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Gosh it takes time doesn’t it( but really shouldn’t) I am just NOW becoming. In and on time. Methinks. Thank you.

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Thank you so much! Many blessings

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Jan 22Liked by Jen Hitze

Thanks you. My wish for everyone is to read these words at least once a year. Not so much to dwell on the past and over-analyze, but as a tool to move forward.

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Thank you so much, Rocky! 🤗

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Jan 18Liked by Jen Hitze

Agree that different strengths/ways of thinking combined with shared goals/values is a great combo

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Absolutely! Thanks Bob 🤗

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Jan 16Liked by Jen Hitze

Thanks for sharing. These few phrases say it all:

"Only those thoughts we focus our attention and energy on stand a chance of becoming tangible. Manifesting goes beyond mere daydreaming; it requires hands-on construction."

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Thank you, Mo 🙏

I’m grateful to have learned this lesson and am now excited to actively create.

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I’ve been stuck in love for forty years. Marriage does require teamwork and a shared vision, especially where raising kids is concerned. Thoughts do manifest and turn into things you build together over the years. I believe that the most important quality of a good marriage is communication. My husband said he thinks it is forgiveness. There you have it.

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Beautiful, thank you for sharing your experience. Communication and forgiveness are both important. Perhaps what’s most important depends on the dynamics of the relationship and what the individual needs most. 🙏

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A well thought out appraoch to a subject which was my number one driver in life yet proved incredibly difficult to achieve. I tried to be me, I tried to be someone else, I tried moving ccountries, I tried older and I tried younger and finally I tried a relationship with a person whom I knew was not the one ,but by then I been trying to find " the one" for twenty years. It was a car crash from start to finish. In summary I tried too hard. I should never have but love as my number one driver. It simply happens in the end, if you are lucky eough.

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I appreciate your story, as hard as it must’ve been to share. While the adversity you’ve been through sounds incredibly difficult, you’ve likely come away from those experiences with many more lessons than someone who had it easy.

Hopefully your past has shaped you into the strong and courageous person I believe you are. You’re (more than) enough just as you are.

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I've always said, we don't fall in live, we grow in love.

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Jan 13Liked by Jen Hitze

"Are they visionary while you’re pragmatic?" is one simple question which offers a framing which I have never broached so directly myself. And what a great way to think about it. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts, Jen.

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Thank you, Ned 🤗

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